Privacy Policy


  1. All Personal Data collected from the User through the Site shall be dealt in compliance to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and as follows:
    1. User agrees that Place Borneo shall collect, record, hold, store and use the User’s Personal Data where it is necessary for Place Borneo. The User’s information shall only be kept for as long as Place Borneo is either required to by law or as is relevant for the purposes for which it was collected. The User further agrees and consents to Place Borneo to use the information collected for purposes of notification to User in relation to any promotional and marketing information for other Event.
    2. The Site shall not disclose the User’s Personal Data and the User shall remain anonymous.
    3. The User agrees that Excitix shall require the following Personal Data upon the User’s registration for an Account:-
      1. Name;
      2. Delivery Address;
      3. Email Address;
      4. Date of Birth(Optional);
      5. Gender(Optional); and
    4. Where the User makes a purchase on the Site, the User agrees that Excitix may collect the following additional Personal Data:-
      1. Telephone Number or Mobile Number
      2. Transaction data such as details about payments to and from the User, and other details of products and services which the User have purchased from Excitix.
      3. Technical data, such as internet protocol (IP) address, the User’s login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and site, and other technology on the devices the User uses to access the Platform.
      4. User’s shopping or browsing behaviours, facial image, voice recording (for customer service calls)
      5. Any other personally identifiable information which the User has provided Excitix in any forms the User may have submitted to Excitix, or in the course of any other forms of interaction between the User and Place Borneo.
    5. The User represents Place Borneo that Personal Data relating to a third party provided by the User by submitting such Personal Data to Place Borneo shall have been obtained with the consent of the third party to provide Place Borneo with their Personal Data for the respective purposes.-
    6. The information provided by the User shall not be shared with any other organisations except for Place Borneo’s corporate group and any third parties that are directly related to and necessary for the purchase of products, delivery of the same and other purposes for which the Customer have authorised. In exceptional circumstances where Place Borneo shall be allowed to disclose such Personal Data where there are grounds to believe that the disclosure is necessary to prevent a threat to life or health or required by the law.
    7. Place Borneo reserves the right to modify and change the Privacy Policy at any time and any changes to this shall be published on the Site.
    8. The User agrees that by (1) clicking “Yes” on Place Borneo pop-up or any web form referring to this Privacy Policy on Place Borneo Site, (2) submission of the User’s Personal Data upon signing up of the Account, (3) browsing on the Site, or (4) ordering any of products and services on the Site, the User is agreeing to the terms of this T&C.
  2. Purposes of collecting and processing Personal Data
    1. Personal Data that the User provide will be processed by Place Borneo for the following purposes as applicable:-
      1. to process the User’s application and registration as Place Borneo User including to assess the User’s suitability for involvement/participation and to communicate with;
      2. for the User to participate and/or enter into the necessary agreement and/or contract in relation to the services available in the Site;
      3. for background checks of the User if Place Borneo determine it to be necessary or appropriate;
      4. for Place Borneo internal record in the ordinary course of business;
      5. to conduct analysis in connection with the services provided in the Site;
      6. to enable Place Borneo to send the User information by e-mail, telecommunication means (telephone calls or text messages) or social media about services provided by Place Borneo, Place Borneo’s related companies and business partners, authorized third parties which may include but are not limited to the abovementioned purposes which Place Borneo think may interest the User and to notify the User about benefits and changes to the features of Excitix services and Site;
      7. to establish and better manage any relationship between Place Borneo have with the User;
      8. to meet any legal or regulatory requirements relating to Place Borneo’s initiatives, programmes, and activities and to make disclosure under the requirements of any applicable law, regulation, direction, court order, by-law, guideline, circular, code applicable to us or any of Place Borneo’s Affiliates;
      9. for research, benchmarking, and statistical analysis purposes;
      10. for audit, compliance and risk management purposes;
      11. to share the User’s Personal Data with third party vendors for the purposes of including without limitation to conduct credit reference checks and establishment of the User’s credit worthiness; and
      12. other related services such as security management, insurance procurement and Site access management